Hong Kong University student magazine Undergrad talks of revolution, after chief executive attacked the publication in his policy address two weeks ago

Joyce Ng, SCMP
January 31, 2015

Publication criticised by Chief Executive CY Leung runs article urging Hong Kong to revolt or face destruction.

Hong Kong Nation
Undergrad writer said Hongkongers should think about a revolution to defend Hong Kong's autonomy

A university student publication that was criticised by the chief executive for discussing Hong Kong independence remains defiant in its latest issue, which publishes an article that talks about "revolution" against the Chinese Communist Party.

In a pseudonymous article on Friday, a writer for the University of Hong Kong student publication Undergrad said that after the non-violent Occupy Central protest failed to bring about changes, Hongkongers, facing "destruction", should think about a revolution to defend Hong Kong's autonomy.

"The Chinese Communist Party wants to destroy the consciousness of Hongkongers. One country, two systems is dying," the writer said.

"Hongkongers have nowhere to turn - either they fight the war and start a revolution, or they succumb themselves and be enslaved to the Beijing regime."

The article did not elaborate on how a revolution against the Beijing regime should be organised.

Yuen Yuen-lung, editor-in-chief of Undergrad, said the magazine was only engaging in a debate on whether Hong Kong should be independent, rather than taking actions to make Hong Kong split from China.

"To equate 'discussing independence' to 'taking steps to push for independence' is a fallacy," the editorial said.

It also criticised the chief executive for stirring up an attack on students that resembled the Cultural Revolution.