Sorry People’s Republic of China, 中華人民共和國,唔好意思。


Sorry People’s Republic of China, 中華人民共和國,唔好意思。

Sorry for telling you that China is Hong Kongers’ motherland. China is receiving so little respect from Hong Kongers now. 我們香港人後悔曾告訴妳「中國是香港的祖國」;如今我們香港人視中國如敝屣。

Sorry for urging you to be a law-abiding nation. The laws are being used by you to treat Hong Kongers badly now. 我們香港人後悔曾敦促妳守法;如今法律卻助妳奴役我們香港人。

Sorry for assuring you that Chinese nationals will be welcome to visit Hong Kong. They are no longer welcome now. 我們香港人後悔曾保證訪港中國公民享有賓至如歸的尊榮禮遇;如今我們香港人視中國人為蝗蟲。

Sorry for saying that our blood, culture and language promise us the best relationship. You are not even eligible to befriend Hong Kongers now. 我們香港人後悔曾誤信港中血濃於水;如今我們香港人視中國人為敵人。

Sorry for telling you that reunion is best. It is through reunion Hong Kongers are disappointed by you. 我們香港人後悔曾憧憬「民主回歸」;昨天妳我因彼此不了解而結合,今天妳我因彼此了解而分手。

Sorry for encouraging you to be socialist and egalitarian. You are regarded as barbarian and totalitarian instead. 我們香港人後悔曾支持妳實現社會主義;如今妳卻變成專制政權。

Sorry for having been fooled by you for 18 years. Hong Kongers should have been smarter otherwise. 被妳愚弄18年;如今我們香港人後悔莫及。

Sorry People’s Republic of China. Hong Kongers are leaving China for independence. 中華人民共和國,唔好意思,如今我們香港人準備和妳說再見,香港要獨立建國。