


Our letter to the End Child Sexual Abuse Foundation is reproduced below.
If you, the End Child Sexual Abuse Foundation, dare boast about your so-called "professionalism" in associating the intimacy between a child and Mr. James Lung Wai-man with child pornography and pedophilia and thereby reporting the “crime” to the police, what can stop any reasonable person from believing that your aforesaid “professional” act is politically motivated? We pity any HK charity which has to connive with the China-controlled, puppet HKSAR regime in persecution of HK democrats with a view to receiving funds required for survival (in this case, your staff’s employment).


美帝送美吻,匪國捉肥汶。What a beautiful kiss! This occurs in the USA legally and daily, but can't in HKSAR. God bless America but mess Hong Kong.
