Hong Konger Front ABC

A. Why are we seeking independence of Hong Kong?

1. Hong Kongers are entitled to independence, which is a right not only entrenched in universal values and the international law, but also expressly protected by the domestic law of every democratic country, not to mention that it will not contradict Article 23 (the future national security law of Hong Kong). Thus, Hong Kongers' right to independence deserves respect.

2. Hong Kong needs to get independent from China, because it is only through independence and creation of a Republic of Hong Kong, can Hong Kong be free of the authoritarian influence of China, be capable of self-determination, ensure her coexistence with China which adopts a different political system, and maintain her prosperity, stability and apolitical tradition.

3. Hong Kongers want independence. As indicated by a recent survey, up to one-third of the Hong Kong population currently agree to the notion of Hong Kong independence [1]. Although the two million strong independence fans do not represent the majority and therefore do not guarantee the passing of an independence bill by a plebiscite, if held now, they are entitled to peaceful expression of one's free will, without being intimidated or wronged, as well as to the legal protection thereof.

4. The independence of Hong Kong will benefit all parties concerned which, coupled with an independent Hong Kong, will bring their potential into full play, paving the way for their development and collaboration.

B. How shall we achieve independence of Hong Kong?

1. We are striving to establish a Republic of Hong Kong amicably and rationally, for example, by an independence referendum. But, if the Beijing regime turns a blind eye to our independence referendum request, we shall call for armed uprisings with a view to waging an independence revolution against the HKSAR puppet regime and the Beijing regime.

2. We fully understand that even if the two million strong independence fans express their free will unanimously, they will not necessarily contribute to the immediate realization of Hong Kong independence, but will enable people worldwide to heed to their call for Hong Kong independence.

3. On the premise that we fully understand the political reality, we shall pragmatically engage in whatever affairs are conducive to the autonomy of Hong Kong, work in the best interests of Hong Kongers, enhance Hong Kongers' identification with an independent Hong Kong, and positively create sufficient, stable, reliable conditions for the pursuit of an independent Hong Kong.

4. We shall not reject or discriminate against any immigrants from any countries; instead, we shall do our level best to help the immigrants settle in Hong Kong and develop their Hong Konger identity.

5. We shall not reject nor discriminate against any law-abiding citizens of the People's Republic of China; instead, we shall assist them, as we did [2], in protecting their right to survival in their own country.

6. In the persistent pursuit of independence, We see building a Hongkong independence revolution army as a last resort.

7. The establishment of an independent Hong Kong is not only our ultimate goal but also a prerequisite for the materialization of our political ideals.

C. What kind of country will be the Republic of Hong Kong we are determined to establish?

1. A country that respects human rights and universal values, upholds democracy to the fullest, practises the rule of law, allows its citizens to determine the future of Hong Kong with free will but without interference from the outside, and enjoys prosperity, stability and solidity.

2. A country where the public power is in the possession of Hong Kongers, where the head of state and the legislature are elected by Hong Kong nationals aged above 18 through universal suffrage to serve a fix term, exercise definite power and account for Hong Kongers, where overseas Hong Kongers are also entitled to the right to vote, where Hong Kongers enjoy the freedom of expression, and where civil servants are people's servants and therefore deserve respect.

3. A country where the constitution provides for three separate branches of government (the executive, the legislative, and the judiciary) and four political rights (election, recall, initiation, and referendum), and where laws may not be made and interpreted by the same branch of government [3].

4. A country that upholds equality before the law and treats all races and classes alike under law.

5. A country that is subject to or represented by no external power, independently develops multi-faceted, balanced diplomatic relationship with peoples worldwide, positively participates in various international organizations, becomes a signatory to economic and human right conventions, fulfills the duties it owes the international community, and encourages the other countries to do so.

6. A country that does not affiliate with any military or political alliance but opens itself up to all other countries alike, that adopts a free port policy and maintains neutrality, and that is accepted by the international community.

7. A country whose standing armed forces are compact, well-equipped, composed of voluntary professional soldiers and intended for defense only. The Hong Kong Armed Forces shall take a positive approach to the development of military contact and exchange with any other country which befriends Hong Kong, enhancing mutual trust, and preventing warfare.

8. A nukes-free country that does not pursue, possess or import nuclear weapons, dangerous nuclear technology, nuclear devices or nuclear raw materials; instead, it merely permits the research on and safe use of beneficial nuclear technology, and it makes efforts to seek substitute technology.

9. A country that not only strives to develop and apply clean energy resources and other new technology, but also respects and protects the environment and any life.

10. A country that provides its nationals with good protection, education and opportunities of personal development.

11. A country characterized by diversification, where with efficient measures there are protection for as well as freedom, equality, development and harmonious coexistence of the customs, cultures and religions of its constituent races under the law.

12. A country that makes efforts to develop physical education nationwide, sufficiently subsidizes sports and athletes, encourages entrepreneurs to sponsor matches held locally, sends its well-funded national teams to play international championships, gives special subsidies and awards to distinguished athletes, promotes any sport that is peculiar to or originated in Hong Kong, and arranges both local and international matches for the sport.

13. A country that has its cultural affairs and sports administered by competent authorities at the central level, headed by their respective ministers, and supervised by the related committees set up in legislative bodies at different levels. The country has specific budgets for its cultural affairs and sports. Both the head of state and the prime minister shall be accountable for the development of the country's culture and sports.

14. A country whose public health system is so sophisticated that it gives medical service sufficiently, eradicates large-scale epidemics, and prevents new life-threatening bird flu from spreading to Hong Kong.

15. A country that refrains from death penalty and cruel corporal punishment and never makes any bad laws contradictory to justice and universal values.

16. A country willing to develop brotherly relationships with its neighboring countries on the basis of equality and mutual respect, but reluctant to tolerate chauvinism, violence and coercion or develop any unequal relationship with an external power - like the one between the Sung Dynasty and its northern aggressive neighbor Chin in the 12th century.

17. A country devoted to the protection for Hong Kongers' interests worldwide.

18. A country that no longer has a Chief Executive, nor does it have an Election Committee or a Nomination Committee for 'electing' a Chief Executive. The country no longer has a puppet legislature, nor does it have a puppet Chief Executive or puppet legislators, all of which were not elected by universal suffrage prior to the establishment of the free, independent Republic of Hong Kong. The country no longer has a puppet police commissioner who will otherwise deprive Hong Kongers of the freedom of speech by means of loudspeakers. The country no longer has Hong Kong deputies to the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) as well as the National People's Congress (NPC). The country no longer has the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in HKSAR, nor are the People's Liberation Army (PLA) present in the country. The country no longer has its laws interpreted by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (SCNPC), nor does the country have bad laws contradictory to justice and universal values. The country is no longer subordinate to an overlord.

[1] Please refer to the entry dated 23 November 2004 in the Current Events Section.
[2] In the past years, Hong Kongers often make donations to the Chinese people, for building primary schools in poor rural regions and providing relief to disaster-hit areas.
[3] In China, the National People's Congress (NPC) makes laws, and its Standing Committee (SCNPC) interprets laws.