Guangzhou Military Region

The PLA comprises seven military region commands, namely those of Shenyang [1], Beijing [2], Jinan [3], Nanjing [4], Guangzhou [5], Chengdu [6], and Lanzhou [7] (see the map below), to exercise direct leadership over the army units under their command.

PLA Military Region

The Guangzhou Military Region with 180,000 strong troops comprises two group armies (41st Group Army, and 42nd Group Army), two garrisons, and five military districts. Seperate or independent units assigned to the Guangzhou Military Region include the 132nd Infantry Division, an informationized unit (tech bureau) [Unit 75770], an U/I unit [Unit 75775], an electronic counter-measures regiment [Unit 54468], a special operations unit [Unit 75738], the 6th Army Aviation Regiment [Unit 75752], a tankmen training regiment, the 32nd Pontoon Brigade [Unit 75310], and a combined arms tactical training base.

The 41st Group Army [Unit 75100] is based in Liuzhou, Guangxi. Its organic units are the 121st Infantry Division [Unit 75120], 122nd Infantry Division, and 123rd Motorized Infantry Division [Unit 75130]. It also has the following units: the Heroic Regiment of Tashan [Unit 75151], U/I armored brigade [Unit 75160], U/I communications regiment [Unit 53064], U/I AAA regiment [Unit 53062], U/I artillery brigade [Unit 75140], U/I pontoon regiment [Unit 53701], and U/I engineer regiment [Unit 75104].

The 42nd Group Army [Unit 75200], headquartered in Huizhou, Guangdong comprises three divisions, an armored brigade [Unit 53263], an air defense brigade, an ACW regiment [Unit 54423], an U/I division [Unit 53806], and an engineer regiment [Unit 53265]. The three divisions of the 42nd Group Army are, namely the 124th Amphibious Mechanized Division [Unit 75210], 144th Division [Unit 75220], and the 163rd Division [Unit 75222].

Since the 1990s, two garrisons under the command of the Guangzhou Military Region have been stationed in Hong Kong and Macau respectively, namely the PLA Hong Kong Garrison, and PLA Macau Garrison, to intimidate Hong Kong people and Macau people.

The PLA Hong Kong Garrison mainly comprises a Shenzhen-based Logistics Base [Unit 53310], an infantry brigade [Unit 53300], six Type 037-II class missile boats each carrying five C-801/YJ-1 anti-ship missiles, and a helicopter regiment [Unit 39968].

The Guangzhou Military Region covers five military districts, namely the Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan, Hebei and Hainan provinces.

The Guangzhou Military Region is also a front-line region in the event of a conflict with Taiwan. It also surrounds the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and will directly control the PLA garrison stationed in Hong Kong. Furthermore, the Naval stations located in region are engaged in the volatile South China Seas, where Chinese activities are closely watched by all Asian nations and the U.S.

During a major military campaign against Taiwan, the Nanjing Military Region would become part of the so-called Nanjing War Zone, which probably would include, at a minimum, the three Group Armies in the Nanjing Military Region, elements from Group Armies based in adjacent military regions (e.g., Guangzhou Military Region and Jinan Military Region).